Wednesday, August 02, 2006

World LifeExchange Market Opens.

Much awaited Life Exchange Market opened its doors today for a brisk early morning trade. Inaugurating the exchange, President Bush said that the world should invest heavily into unsuccessful and unpopular wars to maintain a healthy life termination ratio.

The first day of trading was boosted by a pre-dawn massacre in Lebanon by the Israeli Defense Forces, setting the Israeli to Lebanese life exchange at 10.96 Lebanese lives for every Israeli life. The exchange rates are based on established body counts reported in the Media.

The American vs Iraqi lives rates opened unchanged at 1 Yankee to 17.11 Iraqis. However the unofficial black market rates are pegged at 1 Yankee for every 38.72 Iraqis. While there is no official index for Yankee life vs Afghani life, over the counter issues were selling at 1Yankee for more than 150 Afghanis.

Britain did not list itself in the exchange because it trades in future options. Britain had already killed a lot of Iraqis and Afghanis before any of the British lives were exchanged.

India did not list itself either. Many self styled policy experts (read: bloggers) have suggested that India starts a LifeEx index vis-a-vis Pakistan. The Indian Government however - by virtue of its invertebrate evolution, rather than good sense - has been holding off from issuing a public offering in the LifeEx market. Spokesperson for the government said "Come on, with over a billion people - many of whom are illiterate and/or idiots, we do not have to show that we care for the people by securing our borders. Few false promises and a sachet of country liquor will garner us the votes required . If that fails, caste and religious politics are always at hand".

As in the real world, United Nations has no value in the LifeEx market. Even though Israelis have deliberately killed 4 UN staffers, UN has not even bothered to pull Israel for its transgressions.