Thursday, November 10, 2005

Doc Visit

I had hoped that this blog will live longer than my previous atempts, and it did! 2 people (or maybe one bot and one person) chose to leave comments. The first one was clearly a spam, forcing me to take drastic measures and install "word verification". Then I got one more, my first thought was that this was another spam. The comment said: "love ur site, we seem to have remarkably similar views". Yeah! right, I thought (I still do).

Anyways, I visited her site and found that she is a doctor with a humour bone. Her posts are reflection of her life as a doctor. I like the way she relates the "doctor jokes" with her real life. It is good to know that doctors take a fun approach in their profession, than just laughing their way to the bank at your expense (literally)!. This is one doctor I will visit often (and not because she is, well she!).

And no, I still dont think we have "remarkably similar views".