Shrinks, Defense Contractors and Media hosts PsychCon 2006
The alliance of psychiatrists, defense contractors and media, along with the White House, hosted the annual PsychCon on September 11th. PsychCon06 drew visitors from across the world. The mission of the conference is to spread fear and uncertainty throughout the world so as to foster bigger wars, fatter paychecks, and increased TRP/Nielsen's ratings for its sponsors.
Speaking on the occasion, US President G.W. Bush said that while PsychCon was a great event to showcase the advances in generating mass hysteria, the process of keeping the people in a perpetual state of fear was a year long affair for the US government. People in the US, England and Israel are working hard to create an environment where every minor event is overblown to spread the fear psychosis to the next level.
In an interview with the press, the spokesman for the sponsors said that the event hopes to, and is mostly successful, in reopening wounds of the 2001 September 11th attack on World Trade Center. People should not forget the day, by festering the wound we can make sure that all of us survive. "The perpetual fear has led to a sharp increase in turnout at the shrinks' offices. The media registers a sharp increase in its viewership during these psych-events. The defense contractors are happy to manufacture bigger and meaner weapons for mass destruction for the US government".
The spokesman further said that all efforts are being made to hoodwink the world and US citizens into believing that Iran was responsible for September 11 events in 2001. The new efforts comes after a successful hoodwinking event, where Iraq was tagged as a terrorist supporter in spite of zero evidence that Saddam ever supported terrorism.
One of the conference attendee, Ken Mitchell, told the reporters, "This is really great, I am very turned on by all the information that is provided by my government. I did not sleep peacefully for about 5 years in a row, I have a string of psychological disorder due to stress of the last few years. I am on anti-depressants, but my shrink tells me that if I try to put the tragedy behind me and focus on healing the wounds, the terrorists win."
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