Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Old-age homes for Softwares

I, a software engineer, can attest to a fact that sometimes a newer version of software is not always well received. At times I would like to get the older version of the software, but mostly they would not longer be available for distribution. Wouldn't it be nice to get the older versions, "becausenewerverionsisnotalwaysbetter"

Sometimes upgrading to a newer version can be a good thing. Other times, your computer may not be compatible with the new version, the new version is bloated, or all the good options are no longer available.
Lastly, there is a need to archive cultural artifacts. If software is allowed to disappear into the past, a piece of our history will be lost. People must be have access to this data in order to understand the direction the computer industry and civilization as a whole is heading.

There you have it, Oldversion.com is trying to be the digital historian, or is it?? There are many sites which "crack" passwords which are not always "crackable" in the newer versions. As they say, every coin has two sides...


Anonymous,  3:10 PM, November 25, 2005  

try www.oldapps.com too.