Monday, October 27, 2008

Why Nobama

I rooted for Hillary. But she did not make it, hopefully she runs the next time around. And hopefully the media looks beyond its sexism and its current fixation. The problem I have with Obama is that he is a smooth talker. And from my experience, smooth talkers are usually no good. Crooks really. Like the way he voted for retroactive immunity for telecom companies. What made him flip-flop on the issue? Did he give a good reason for changing his mind on the bill? Well maybe winning the primaries (and getting conservative votes was on his mind). Which is why he is a dangerous guy. He does not stand up to his own voice. So how can he be trusted as the commander of US Army? How can he be trusted not to change his tax plans for the "middle class" and "spread the wealth" to people who should not be given any more money than they should earn?

I am not rooting for McCain because I previously rooted for Hillary, instead I support him because he is actually open about his plans. I dont like that he has a bellicose attitude towards Iran (we now know that Iran's crime is really about a new Oil exchange and not necessarily WMDs), at least the world will know what to expect from McCain.

Obama on the other hand is a major toss up. He has shown that he will go to any lengths to get the presidency. What is to say that he wont invade countries? What is to say he will not raise taxes for the middle class? Based on his flip-flop on a bill that should have seen a steadfast resolve, Obama has failed. And I believe he will fail US again.

Based on past 8 years though, America is known to choose the wrong guy. I think America will choose wrong yet again. I hope it doesn't.


Black Thoughts

So I probably had my head in the sand for a while now. The last I checked Colin Powell was busy concocting lies about Iraq's WMD at the UN Security Council. Since then people seem to have forgotten that you can't take that guy's words at face value. And yet, when he decided to betray his party (possibly for a meaty position in Obama's cabinet) all the "pundits" talked about how it reflects on Republican party.

Come on guys. It is one black guy for another. Nothing more. Of course, that liar gave a speech about how is is jaded with republicans, but come on, he also gave a convincing argument about Iraq and WMDs. So it is sad that people still give him any credibility at all.